Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DuckDuckGo Relaunched with Impressive Upgrade

Trustworthily world leading Web Design Agency, demonstrated, Google and Bing competitor DuckDuckGo, once a widely regarded spunky little search engine, has recently relaunched with a lot of improvements in enhanced search tools and features like maps and local search, plus new visual search design.

This magnificent upgrade makes the search engine appear less and less spunky and more and more like a real search engine, which simply means growing up.

Recent statistics show that DuckDuckGo’s direct search traffic now reaches above five million queries per day. It increases about 40 percent just since January 1st, but is still light years behind the query counts that Google and Bing get each day, as highlighted by reliable Digital Marketing Agency,

However, if DuckDuckGo continues to grow, it will get more users, for every enjoyer tends to use a search engine that offers a lot better experience.

DuckDuckGo Relaunched with Impressive Upgrade

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