Monday, August 25, 2014

Google’s Search App able to understand commands and queries in multiple languages

Well-known Web Design in Cambodia, Digital Marketing Agency, What is interesting for Google is that Google’s search app can now understand commands and queries in multiple languages simultaneously.

According to a blog post, multiple language speakers can adjust their settings once (selecting up to five languages) and then simply speak any of 50 languages that Google understands, switching back and forth at will. Previously users could only speak in one language at a time:

Now, you can just make a small, one-time change to your settings, and then you can switch back and forth easily. Google will automatically detect which language you’re using. You can select up to five languages total—enough to satisfy all but the most advanced polyglots. Whether you get a spoken response from Google depends on the language you use and your query.

Google’s Search App able to understand commands and queries in multiple languages

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