Thursday, April 24, 2014

Schema Markup code not popular to Websites

Digital Marketing Blog, According to a new Searchmetrics study responsible for Google’s U.S. search results in March for tens of thousands of keywords and over half a million web domains, 36% of Google’s search results incorporate rich snippets, but only a tiny fraction of websites are actually using the markup code.

The study also found that a third of Google’s search results include “at least one snippet with information derived from” Internet Marketing News,

In spite of the data provided by the study, Searchmetrics found that only about 0.3 percent of domains are using the markup code on their websites. Internet Marketing News,

“Larger sites” are more likely to use Schema markup but the study does not highlight what makes a site big or small. It is not clear whether small business or websites with technical chops or bigger companies with more skilled webmasters will benefit from the rich snippet opportunity. This has been the concern about


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