Internet Marketing News, restartbox.blogspot.com Apple accused Samsung of copying features to use on its newest devices and sues this Korean company for $2bn. Apple wants Samsung to pay a $40 royalty for each device running its software.
Apple says Samsung infringes on its five patents on newer devices including Galaxy smartphone and tables and that Samsung has systematically copied its innovative technology and products and features and designs. But Samsung counters that Apple has copied many of its innovations in its Apple iPhone, iPod, and iPad products. Digital Marketing Blog, restartbox.blogspot.com
In addition, for Apple, Samsung stole its tap-from-search technology and copied its slide to unlock, but Samsung said Apple is stealing its wireless technology system. Website agency asia, thesnsgroup.com This shows a great worry about what is allowed to be patented and according to Notre Dame Law professor Mark McKenna, there’s a widespread suspicion that lots of the kinds of software patents at issue are written in ways that cover more ground than what Apple or any other tech firm actually invented. Overly broad patents allow companies to block competition.
Source: http://restartbox.blogspot.com/